It's December! You'll notice that the number of academic activities & events offered will start to dwindle in these last weeks of the semester. The assumption is that students are focusing on their studies, and not spending a lot of time investigating other opportunities. Watch, however, for end-of-the-semester showcases of student work, be it in dance, music, art, or writing!
Here's what's coming up:
Friday, December 3, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm.
Comparative Literature Junior Year Writing Conference. Look what they’ve done! Comparative Literature is proud to present this year's Junior Year Writing Conference, made up of presentations by this year's Junior Year Writing class, in panels chaired by the program's graduate students. Each year we acknowledge the hard work put in by our students and join them for a day of papers on topics of their choice. We welcome visitors from other areas of campus to enjoy these papers and support our students. Herter 601.
Friday, December 3, 10:00 – 12:00 pm.
Open House for Prospective Graduate Students Interested in Public Health. Think you might consider graduate school after finishing your undergraduate degree? Plan ahead! Come meet Public Health faculty, staff and students from Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Environmental Health Sciences, Community Health Education, and Health Policy and Management. Learn about the admissions process, financial aid opportunities, and our curriculum. Campus Center 904-08.
Friday, December 3, 3:30-5:00pm.
Computer Science First Friday Event: "Working at a Startup." Prof. Mark Corner. First Friday Events are for all Computer Science Majors, Minors, and other interested students. 151 Computer Science Building.
Monday, December 6, 6:30pm.
R1 (Tier 1) Basic Math Skills Exemption Test. Passing the R1 exam (at least 12 out of 20 correct) will satisfy the R1 requirement for graduation but will not result in the awarding of any credits. There are, however, credit courses that will also satisfy the R1 requirement. Click here for more information. A student ID and a #2 pencil are required. A calculator is recommended. There is no limit on the number of times a student may take this test. The focus of this exam is to measure knowledge of basic math skills. See website for details on topics covered by the test. Marcus 131.
Monday, December 6, 7-8:30pm.
Residence Life SOM Fair. Whether you're in Isenberg School of Management or not, you can join a number of RSOs (student organizations) that relate to various business majors. Come to this fair to learn more about: Association for Diversity in Sports, Association for Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting, Food and beverages Management Association, Isenberg Honors Council, Marketing Club, Meeting and Event Managers Association, Resource Economics Society, and the Women in Business Society. Build your resume! Melville Residence Hall Classroom, Room 112.
Wednesday, December 8, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm or Thursday, December 9 at 1pm or Tuesday, December 14 at 2:30pm.
Job Search Workshop for Seniors Graduating December 2010. Are you a senior graduating this December? Are you in search of a job? If so, then this workshop is for you. Career Advisors will go over the latest technology and job searching techniques that will help you find the right job for you. Open only to seniors graduating in December 2010. Goodell 508.
Friday, December 10, 2010.
Last Day of Classes for the Fall 2010 Semester.
Saturday, December 11 through Sunday, December 12.
Reading Period.
Monday, December 13 through Saturday, December 18.
Final Exams.
Monday, December 20.
Snow Day for December 18 exams; semester ends.
(Ongoing) Through the end of final exams, every Wednesday through Friday at 2:30-3:30 and every Wednesday from 4:45-5:30.
Domestic Exchange Information Sessions for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 Exchanges. Want to spend a semester or year at another college or university in the U.S.? Check out the list of institutions in the National Student Exchange ( and also to the University of Massachusetts Exchange Schools, which currently include UMass Boston, UMass Dartmouth, and UMass Lowell. Students MUST attend an information session to apply (and will receive applications and all the information necessary to apply). The deadline is March 1st for FALL 2011 AND/OR SPRING 2012. (There is also a Priority Deadline of February 7th. Meeting the priority deadline does increase the chances of a student placement.) 604 Goodell.
(Ongoing) Monday, October 25- Monday, January 3.
Winter Session Registration, through Continuing & Professional Education. Registration is now open for UMass Amherst Winter Session. Online classes start December 20. Face-to-face classes start January 2. Speak with an advisor and/or the Financial Aid Office to understand how these courses work in your academic program. For more information visit and/or SPIRE.
(Ongoing) For the Fall 2010 semester, BDIC will be holding information sessions every Tuesday at 11am and Friday at 2pm.
BDIC Information Sessions. Cannot find exactly what you are looking for in a major on campus? Attend a BDIC information session to learn about designing your own interdisciplinary major. 608 Goodell.
Field Experience Co-op and Internship Info Session. Join Career Services/Field Experience for an information session on co-ops and internships. Learn how to find them, what they can do for your career, and when you should start your search. These sessions are held every Monday from 5-6pm and every Tuesday from 12:45pm-1:15pm in 508 Goodell.