Final Piggy BankIt Roundup of the semester!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
10:00am - 2:00pm
Campus Center Concourse
Who wants to carry change home for winter break? Phil A. Pig doesn't think you do! Bring the loose change that you have collected this semester and help support student scholarships. It is STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS. We will have fun pig-shaped cookies, drawings for cool UMass stuff, and gift cards from local companies.
Unless you want to support your major, an RSO, or some other great thing at UMass, all proceeds from the Piggy BankIt Roundup go towards the
Piggy BankIt Scholarship, a scholarship BY the students and FOR the students.
Brought to you by the
Student Philanthropy Committee.
Don't forget that all donations from students will be matched, dollar for dollar, by the UMass Amherst Foundation Board (whether to this or supporting your major, the Band, etc.).
Remember to
like Phil A. Pig on Facebook to learn more about what he is up to and more random give-aways!