Thursday, April 17, 2014

Study Tips

Flowers are blooming, the sun is coming out, and finally we are saying goodbye to winter. Campus is full of students outside all the time now-- whether playing frisbee, lounging on the grass, or eating lunch on the campus center steps. This warm weather just seems to make everyone a little happier! Unfortunately, the warm weather also signifies that the time left for this semester is dwindling down. This means that only one thing stands in the way of you and summer vacation...finals. But have no fear! With four years spent at UMass I have gathered some awesome study techniques to share to make sure that the rest of this semester breezes on by. 

Don't wait until the last minute
Studying is so much less stressful if you don't wait to get started. Instead of memorizing material a week before an exam, try to really understand the material weeks before. This means that instead of cramming in studying time, it may be more beneficial to review your notes after class, ask questions of your professors and TAs, and not wait to do homework and readings. Many classes offer tutoring in the LRC in the library, but don't wait to take advantage of this resource! When finals week does come around you will surely be better prepared to study for your exams if you already know most of the material. 

Organize your study schedule 
Organizing when you are going to study, and what you are going to study, can be helpful for time management and stress-free sessions. Figure out which class is your priority and try to give yourself more time to study for that. Organizing exactly what you are going to study will help keep you more organized, and will clarify what you do and don't know for your exams. This organization can also help with arranging times to study with peers and allow you to focus your mind at the material on hand. 

Take breaks!
Try out different studying techniques to help you figure out what is most helpful for you. Do you like flashcards? Do you need to make study guides? Where is the best place for you to study? Last week Liz posted some great tips on cool places to study, make sure to go back and read her post! Figuring this information out can really help you to get into the studying zone. With this said, remember to take breaks for yourself. Grab some bubble tea, go to the gym, or even take a nap. Taking breaks is just as important as hours and hours of studying- your brain and body will need it!

Enjoy the sunshine and happy studying!

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