A course change form with an instructor's signature is required to withdraw from a course, So make sure to get all of your paperwork taken care of before the deadline!
The mid-semester date is also the deadline for changing a class to Pass/Fail. Instead of dropping a class, Pass/Fail will allow you to remain in the class, but instead of receiving a letter grade, your transcript will indicate P (pass) or F (fail). Passing will not affect your GPA, but failing will. Keep in mind that P/F grading will not count toward Gen Eds, major or minor requirements, predictor courses etc.
A course change form is also necessary when changing a course to Pass/Fail, but an instructor's signature is not required.
You can pick up the necessary paperwork in Undergraduate Advising (if you're Undeclared) or the Registrar's Office in 213 Whitmore.
All paperwork must be COMPLETED and submitted by 5:00 pm on Thursday!
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